Hesitant Boyfriend- How to Get Past Scars?

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I'm an open book when it comes to my fantasies... Him on the other hand... Well, he's okay with asking for basic stuff- lick my thighs, massage my back, give me a hand job with extra lube, tickle my prostate, etc... But actual fantasies, not so much. This I'll post in another thread, however, since I'm having issues when it comes to the big switcheroo. I filled out and sent him the lists you suggested, and I encouraged him to do the same. Crossing my fingers he does!

I think him being able to demand oral sex whenever he wants isn't going to be as effective as I had hoped... See, he doesn't like me to put my face hear his general area unless he's squeaky clean. He INSISTS that he smells good before I go down there. I really do appreciate this, but I think sometimes he goes overboard... Thinking of carrying around some flavored condoms and some spray on deodorant... Either that or try my best to inconspicuously turn him on when I know he's had a shower that day. LOL.
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What is his issue with being 'clean down there'? Is it his own cleanliness thing, or is it that he thinks it's rude to ask for oral sex when he's not clean? Because of it's the latter, tell him that's not an issue--he gets it when he wants it, whether you like it or not.

I guess in a way I appreciate it done I'm getting over it being gross still myself, but he's over the top sometimes... He's somewhat self concious, so it's not a politeness issue. We're talking about a guy that farts in bed to torture me- not exactly Mr. Manners. Lol.
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My guy is the same about hygiene if I try something sometimes he will say he stinks or 'you wouldnt want to go down there' and it's a no-go so I don't bother if I know he hasn't washed recently. It's weird because if I say similar things he always says I never smell bad or that he doesn't care. Go figure?!

Just wanted to add that I never thought I'd be into face slapping either, thought my instinct would be to hit back but now I love it...funny how we change.
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Subarama, yes!! We're EXACTLY like that. E says I don't taste or smell like anything or he doesn't care.

I think I *might* be later on. I've slapped myself in the face before, and I always feel a rush of endorphins or something like that. Like "Oh shit that hurt! ... But now I feel good." type thing. But I'm in no way a masochist, as it's not really a turn on, other than possibly the punishment factor.
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Just thought I'd give you guys a little update! Last night we tried a scene in the backseat of his mom's new car (tee hee!). Good news is E has gotten slightly more comfortable with demanding blowjobs... Or at least asking without too much hesitance until I raise an eyebrow, then he says "Oh, probably not if I ask, huh?" Then he says "Come suck on Daddy's candy." And I willingly comply but a few times. Once was while he was driving, which I don't mind when there's not much of a risk of getting in an accident but this was on a road where there's a bazillion crashes a day. LOL. And then after we had sex, which was only a problem because sometimes the taste of my own vagina makes me want to vomit! I probably should have done it anyway, since he was being really good, and I think me saying no hurts his confidence:( So next time I'll just hold my breath or ask him to just wait until we get on the highway.

Anywho, the bad news is I've found that although he enjoys spanking me during sex, he doesn't like spanking me for punishment or really doing any sort of punishment whatsoever. I suppose I asked for too much too soon, so our scene ended with him saying "I can't do this! then curling up on my lap while apologizing for not being good at it. I stroked his hair telling him it was OK and that I don't expect him to be perfect right away and just talking to him about his insecurities. Poor E:(

He said he really needs some drinks to do it the first few times... Which is a slight bummer, because then it makes it unsafe to do bondage or painplay, which means E isn't going to be tying me up or spanking me... Although I don't think spanking could do a lot of damage whilst having a few beers in your system, could it?? Yeah, if he gets really into it, I won't feel it unti afterwards, but that's just a sore bottom for a few days at worse (and a reminder next time I try to disobey :) )... Right?

On a brighter note, I have been getting more in touch with my inner Dominatrix! I'll post about it more in my other thread ("Hesitant Boyfriend Part Deux- My Turn to Dom)
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I dont want to be rude here but do you really want to sub or do you want to bottom - be a dom??

Just asking because things like you thinking if it is safe to give a BJ on a certain place on a road or something - if its him thats driving - and him thats driving :) then it is his responsibility to decide if it is safe or not

If you cant deal with the taste of you then that would be OK with saying that is a limit for you (before you play) but if you want him to TELL you to do stuff then it wont help him to dom you if he tells you and you go 'neah I dont fancy it right now'

From your posts it kind of sounds like you want him to take charge but do exactly the things you want him to do to you when you want them done?
If he is to be a dom then he has to be getting you to do and doing things to you that HE wants to do. Yes of course you discuss what things you really like and what things you dont like beforehands
During the scene you have to try and let go and trust him that he wont take things to far or do things unsafe for the both of you

and if as the dom he dosent want to punish you he dosent have to - plenty of people dont have a punishment dynamic - they want their sub to do as they are asked because she wants to please him, she is satisfied making him happy and she has learnt it is rewarding to make him happy

I think you guys need to sit down and REALLY chat about what you both really want - at the moment it kind of sounds a little like you are both trying to force yourselves into the roll - and having a steriotypical idea of what you think the rolls should be - but you are not really comunicating at what you REALLY want out of the dynamic

Sorry if it sounds rude, as you know i am prob about the least experienced here so I am prob far away from the point - but thats just a feeling I got reading your post
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No, you don't sound rude at all:)

I have been trying to get him to be more comfortable telling me to do things- by starting with blowjobs. (I think you were in on this discussion about this on one of my threads, but I'm not sure.) And so it's just him getting comfortable with the idea of telling me what to do, so it's not a scene... It's just what it is- my vanilla BF trying to get comfortable demanding blowjobs. LOL.

If we were in a scene, I would never say no to anything he could possibly ever ask me to do... I guess for me, it's hard to be put into a submissive position randomly through out the day. But when I know I'm not going to be thrust out of that submissive position during day-to-day life, it's really hard to stay in it. I can't really be submissive for two minutes then, for example, go into a restaurant and have to order for myself... Not sure if that makes any sense whatsoever, but do you kind of get what I mean? I'm either in a submissive state or I'm not.

And I can see how you got that from my post- I end up telling him what to do a lot, but it's not out of choice. He gets nervous and a lot of the times will even ask "So what do I do now?" He's just getting into his role, and he's not used to it. He WANTS to do it, but he needs a lot of help. I honestly wish he had wonderful plans laid out for me- even if it involved things that I don't really like.

We talk about this stuff a LOT. I've told him what I prefer don't don't prefer, my hard and soft limits, that I would like to eventually get to the point where he punishes me but he doesn't have to now, and that he can feel free to make me do whatever he wants within my limits. I think it's different in practice, however... He wants to do this, but he needs a LOT of help. He's scared of doing something wrong, of hurting me of disappointing me. And I can understand why he feels that way- I mean, imagine having an equal partner for four years that you collaborate with on everything and work together to get your needs met and all that, and then all of a sudden they ask you to take the reins and make all those decisions you used to make together alone. Yikes! So yes, I'm probably going to be telling him what to do for a few practice rounds until he is more reassured that I'm OK with what I'm saying I'm OK with. I can tell him all day I'm OK with him treating me like a child and using me for his own selfish desires- but until I SHOW him that, he's going to be uneasy.

I'm not sure why you would think I'm forcing a stereotypical role... But that's only because when I think of D/s, I normally think of a Master/slave relationship, and I'm more into the 1950's sitcom father type Dom... Which is a stereotype in and of itself. Is that what you mean? In that case, yeah... I desire that a lot.

But you do make a good case against punishment. Yes, I do desire punishment if I behave badly in a scene or disappoint him, but I suppose if he does not want to, that would make sense. I'm not telling him to, just saying that's a preference. Do you think I should leave that out, and in the future after he's comfortable, mention that I'd like that but not expect him to if he doesn't want to?

I guess we kind of have this element that perhaps most other kinky folks may not. When he dominates me, he wants to do it perfectly. (I don't ask him to, but he wants to make me happy.) And I am trying to do the same for him when it comes my turn to be the Dominate. The only difference is that when he asks me how I'd like the scenes to go, I give him detailed fantasies. When I ask him, I'm lucky to get out a few sentences, and it always ends with "Oh, just do whatever you'd like." LOL. Also, I'm way more comfortable dominating another person. I don't *prefer* it over submitting, but I can do it and get some pleasure from it.

I hope that gives you a more clear idea... I honestly like any feedback I can give, so don't be shy about it:) The worst I can do is say I don't agree. LOL.
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