am i the oddest leaf in the history of bdsm...?...



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That's the thing isn't it.
When I have time ,I have no money
When I have money , I have no time.
some times it really pisses me off but I should remember that it could be;
no time, no money

But it would be fun to meet like minded people in distant exotic places.
like Wales , Finland and Turkey.
A Dom with an accent or no English at all trying to figure out what they want.....hhmm
uh oh getting side tracked
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That's because you live there.
I f you came to Colorado you would think it was exotic. bone dry.sun all the time and no air.
I dare say Flingress would find it more like home than you would OLP.
My parents had some people stay with us once from England.
every time we went for a drive they were totally white knuckled( out west a 100 miles a day is not unusual and people are more aggressive on the roads here)
and after a while we figured out they were suffering from agoraphobia. At first they thought it was all really beautiful but then we couldn't get them to go outside until nighttime.
that and they were completely jonesing for a decent Tea.

still off subject.
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The point is Flingress.... no you are not an odd leaf. If you are an odd leaf on the tree then I am the odd tree, on the odd earth being powered by the oddest sun in the universe.

i was the outcast of the outcasts in highschool.
i had to form a group all by my self (those rocks were cool, so was the stick)

I would love to go to Wales.... by the way... and Turkey, and Japan, and Russia, and Germany, and Africa, and India, and the Philippines, and Mexico, and Canada, on. I feel like Odysseus. Where's my hot ass wife?!
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Flinggress if you've been reading the post on this forum it should be self evident you are not in the least bit odd relative to the members of this forum.

Welcome please feel free to tell us you most deepest darkest desires as some of us will have actually done it , others will want to and the rest of us will be fascinated to read of it, and think your great for sharing with us.

( thanks to pyroaquatic for the course correction)
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ohh guys... you rock, you know? :)

well yeah i feel less odd than i used to at the beginning.

the only thing i still cant make any peace with is humiliation.
that and degradation still turn me off like nothing else.
and when i see practically everyone else around the bdsm world taking full advantage of both... well... everyone knows how to turn them into very handy tools of pleasure. full throttle. not a flinch.

it just wont work for me. im still addicted to the feeling of getting witnessed while engaging in a heroic or noble act.

he problem is, theyre rare enough in life... and quick to fly by even when they happen. not at all like a stretch of bdsm session which you can drag on as long as you like.

i mean, how long can you keep punching (or scratching, or cutting, etc...) someone before it starts to look pretentious?

and what if you need a certain sense of genuine-ness?

not impossible if you can bring up a good scenario... but hard enough to maintain for long enough.

oh well... i think i should stop whining at this point and get back to my matter-of-factly attitude :D
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Humiliation is separate from physical abuse.
It's not at all strange that you don't like it.
I can't talk for every one but I feel a sense of pride for taking the abuse my Goddess dishes out to me.
True masochist actually convert pain into pleasure.
I think you have a Red Sonja thing going on.(remember she'll only have sex with the man that beats her in a fight)
So maybe what your looking for is a partner who willing to go toe to toe with you in the ring, wont pull their punches and do it in front of an audience.
I know Id' be impressed watching a girl take on a bigger opponent even if she did lose.
If you were able to put up a good fight didn't whine or cry and the audience knew what was at stake ( you'd get fucked if you lost)It would make it even more heroic

and of course if they went on to have sex right there I don't think Id mind to much either
but I'm a pig
would that fulfill your needs?
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