Diet/exercise/weight loss thread

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I'm impressed, OLP. You're really keeping up with the walking. You should definitely drink a glass of water after you get back. You might want to invest in a sports bottle that you can hang on your belt and drink occasionally as you walk. Most people don't drink nearly enough water.

It's amazing what eating better and working out regularly can do for your mood, isn't it?
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I have thought about taking a bottle with me, as I get parched partway through the walk, but unfortunately I suffer from a weird, undiagnosed problem where even just a couple of sips of liquid results in me needing to use the toilet at least 5 times over the next hour :eek:

Half the time, all that comes out is a mere trickle, if that, and I'll know beforehand that this is all it will be, but I will still have to go because if I don't, I will feel like I'm about to pee myself. That's how bad at is :eek: :( I've been to countless doctors, but none of them can identify the problem :mad:
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Gah...just got back from the doctor's, he said that I have an infection in my left big toe that is starting to spread to other toes :( I have some antibiotics, but he said that powerwalking was probably what started the infection off, and that I must stop doing my walks for at least 2 weeks, while I take the tablets :(

Ah well, at least it'll give my feet a chance to recover and heal up, and in the meantime I will try and find some excellent quality walking trainers and new socks. I'm gutted though, because of all the work I put in, and while I'm out of action, any positive effects brought on by walking will no doubt come undone :( I was due to measure myself this coming Monday, to see if I've lost any inches, but I'm not sure whether or not there will be any point in doing so now :(
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You cannot in fact "spot reduce" (I think Puppy said this and is correct).

Drinking a LOT of water is a myth -- if you need it, drink it, but there is really no evidence for the recommendation to drink "8 glass of water" (or whatever) per day.

Yoga is great, but find the RIGHT TYPE of yoga for you and your body issues. It is possible to find "restorative yoga" teachers if you look.

There are probably (more than?) a dozen major schools of yoga, many of which can be done for various goals by varing the intensity etc of the exercise: power/strength, flexibility, sex energy, breath work, restoration or rehabilitation etc.

There are dozens of ab (abdomen) exercises -- many of which work for 'bad backs' -- many of which don't.

Low carbohydrate diets WORK IF you stay at or near "biological zero" carbs.
(I am down over 50 lbs, 20% of body weight since 3 years and holding for over 2 years -- actually have lost about 70 lbs of fat but gained significant muscle also.)

I hate exercising too -- even though I am boxing every day or doing some other martial art. Find an ACTIVITY you ENJOY and use that to get the exercise whether this is cycling, running, walking, or some more complex activity like dancing or jiu-jitsu etc.

If you enjoy it you will do it -- otherwise only a masochist will keep going <grin>

Shoes or boots MUST FIT to be both comfortable and healthy for you feet. Get shoes that fit and wear quality socks that wick away perspiration and pad the foot slightly.

Throw away crappy shoes and worn out socks -- if you go very long distances change your socks (or reverse them) at each rest stop. (This is an old Boy Scout and Army trick.)

Get a pedicure or properly trim your own toe nails to avoid all pressure from shoe to nail to toe.

Feet SHOULD be comfortable on a walk or run.

Weighing often works for some people (me) and is terrible for others. Depends on your personality, on your knowledge of what is going on with weight changes, and on your ability to READ the scale for the INFORMATION and guidance rather than JUST for the motivation.

I weight several times of day to control my water loss during heavy training etc, but I only "count" the weigh ins at a certain reference time, and only if they are consistent over several days -- but that is just me. If I don't check the scale several times a week it is easy for me to drift upwards (but that is just me.)
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I agree with most of what Ghost said.

OLP, I know how frustrating it feels to have to stop exercising when it's going well. I got sick several times last year and lost something like 3 months out of the year. If you can't walk, can you try swimming? Very low impact and excellent for toning your body. Or try resistance training, which is exercises that just use your body weight--crunches, push-ups, squats, lunges, etc.
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OLP- if its a figure change your looking for, don't feel bad about eating chips! You can be the right weight and get a nice shape through things like dancing, bikrum (may be spelled wrong) yoga, and even just walking.

Yes, my metbolism is extremely high so is my blood pressure actually, but my doctor doesn't really..he's not that smart. lol

It's Bikram Yoga which is sometimes referred to as 'hot yoga'.

I happen to like Bikram Yoga but some people do not -- it's a chain across (at least) the US, where they heat the room and do EXACTLY the same routine (about 1 1/2 hours).

IF you like it, then it is really cool and pretty well priced. If you object to the heat (not me), the regimentation (maybe you are a sub <grin>), the repetition (pretty good routine though), etc then you may be one who doesn't like it.

They make a big deal of offering a CHEAP INTRODUCTORY MONTH ($29 last I checked) for UNLIMITED visits so that is a really good way to try it out.

Seriously worth this incredible price -- but if you don't like it PLEASE don't believe this is anything like most other yoga classes.
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I agree with most of what Ghost said.

OLP, I know how frustrating it feels to have to stop exercising when it's going well. I got sick several times last year and lost something like 3 months out of the year. If you can't walk, can you try swimming? Very low impact and excellent for toning your body. Or try resistance training, which is exercises that just use your body weight--crunches, push-ups, squats, lunges, etc.

I wish. I can't swim :( Otherwise I'd be making a point of going every couple of days or so. I'm going to look into starting up at the gym again when I have some decent sports gear. Because I was new to gyms when I went 2 years ago, I was only allowed to use 4 machines: exercise bike, treadmill, rower and cross trainer. I loved the treadmill, the bike was okay, but I despised the rower and cross trainer with a passion. However, now I'm accustomed to heavy walking, this one will probably be easier for me :)

I just can't wait until my toe infection has cleared up. I'm on antibiotics now, 3 a day for at least the next fortnight :( The doctor said that with the state my toe was in, I was doing way too much exercise, but I don't know if he also meant it was too much exercise altogether, for someone previously unfit. I wanted to have longer with him, to explain things more, and get more advice, but the thick cow on the reception desk fucked everything up and so the doctor was anxious to get me seen as quickly as possible :(
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Hmm, well, infected toe aside, the only damage I did was getting blisters, and my feet were burning a few times when I went out wearing completely inadequate footwear :(

I'm hoping I will be able to continue with my set exercise regime once my feet are healed, and I have brand new footwear. Everything was going really well, and I'm so frustrated that I had to stop, I feel a bit 'lost' now without my walks, even though I hated doing them some of the time :(
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