When did you know?



MIRROR: Download from MEGA

I have a distinct feeling this question have been asked before.
But I reply happily anyhow. =)
I know that it was obvious to me extremely early on, pre puberty, and even in childhood that I were wired somewhat different. I got exited - fast breath - and felt one exaltation when I bound people when playing cowboys and indians / cops and robbers or whatever.
For years I tried to hide this from others, when I were young there were no Internet I never had anyone to talk with, and I only did find references to this in literature and whatever.
In highschool I finally revealed it to a female, who were all chocked by the idea. Though I had a hunch she had somewhat of this inclination, so my first attempt to find one likeminded failed.
It took until the age of 22 before I got started. Even so it was not a great start, I was so nervous I sweated rivers. =)
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

Guess I'll rekindle the thread because I'm curious if there are any others who started out younger.

I do not believe I was ever sexually abused in childhood, If I was I certainly have no recollection (so I assume not).

I was somewhere between 6 and 8 when I started having fantasies about various Beauty and the Beast possibilities. Not to mention Robin of Sherwood (Lady Marian being taken by the evil sorcerer). It sounds so wrong. I did not enter into a bdsm relationship until I was 18.
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