How to deal with Subdrop?

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Since its basically endorphin withdrawals causing this I think it would be a good idea to treat it as if it were the withdrawal effects from addictive medication or other substances.

The worst withdrawals come from going "cold turkey". Suddenly cutting yourself off from the substance causes a relatively severe imbalance in the brain. The best way to end any addiction is to lessen the dosage incrementally. This causes the brain to slowly get used to lower levels of the substance and lessens withdrawal symptoms.

Since we're talking about subdrop that happens after bdsm play I'll assume you don't want to quit sebastian at all. So the goal should be to slow the rate in which the endorphins from play wear off.

Chocolate and exorcizing are actually really good ideas. Both chocolate and increased physical activity release endorphins in the brain. However these would be more like really small doses compared to the dose you get from play.

So my suggestion is simple. Get another lesser dose of sebastian. Sebastian can order you to do something preferably sexually stimulating along the lines of what you do when you play. He can order you to do it the next day 24 hours after so you aren't at the peak of your withdrawals.

Long distance subs are dominated by someone who isn't actually present. True you're not exactly long distance but you're still apart from one another. So try using some of their 'tactics'.
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Darknova: that's an interesting thought. I'm not sure that subdrop is always biochemical. Clearly endorphins are an important component. But I think some of it is purely psychological. That's why some doms get domdrop.

I have been assuming that boyJay's subdrop was basically psychological. But you may be right that part of it is endorphin-related. I will have to think about ways to address that side of it.
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

Darknova: that's an interesting thought. I'm not sure that subdrop is always biochemical. Clearly endorphins are an important component. But I think some of it is purely psychological. That's why some doms get domdrop.

I have been assuming that boyJay's subdrop was basically psychological. But you may be right that part of it is endorphin-related. I will have to think about ways to address that side of it.

It seemed you were handling the psychological aspect of subdrop properly, so that didn't seem to be the issue.

What made me think it might be endorphin related was his mentioning that chocolate and physical activity helped. The 'women love chocolate' stereotype is because of the endorphins chocolate makes the brain release when its consumed.
Also, theres such a thing as a "runner's high" which is also endorphin related.
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