Erotic enemas

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I recently came across a site on the net, where girls were given forced erotic enemas. ( I have to admit i always like the idea of most kind of anal games, and this one is appealing too.

I have no experience on this field, i have never been given one, not even as a kid.

I would like to ask everyone, who has some experience to share it with me. What does it feel like? What does one have to be careful about? Is it true it can cause cramp? If yes how can it be avoided? Which is the best way to administer it? Could too many of them become dangerous? What equipment does one need? I know there are several kid, but which is the best?

thx for anyone sharing experience.
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Thx the answer. I took your advise and tried it. It was a lovely experience (not the expelling part, mind you, thats a bit disgusting, but the rest felt really nice.) I used an enema ball, next time i suppose i will try one of those bags.(I will take a long brake before trying:) ) I hope if i'll have a bf/husbend he wont think im utterly mad. Them giving me an enema before (a shower and) anal sex would be ten times better. (Expelling alone, lol, i dont suppose that wouldmake them excited:p) But i like the idea of the humiliation it would hold...or sucking a cock while letting the water trickle in. Yeah, i definately want to try that.
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using enemas

Normally, in a BDSM situations , the enemas is not used to give pleasure but cramps. A dominant who knows their stuff can safely have you in a long uncomfortable training situation. You must be very carefull of the liquids you use and have proper equipment. Some equipment is easy to get but things like a Bardex with inflatable tips are hard to come buy and expensive. Plus each slave has their don't want to transmit anything.
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