Real Life Pets



MIRROR: Download from MEGA

Get the rodner first then get the cat, preferably a kitten. I have two rats, unfortunately they don't live with my i have to house them at my best friends since my mom didn't want them. but Rats are really really intelligant creatures do some research before getting then, usually you need to get them in pairs but they are smart, you can teach them their names, teach them to come...its pretty awesome actually lol
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

I had a pair of rats about 11 years ago, but unfortunately didn't have them long enough to start teaching them stuff as my mother got rid of them behind my back :mad:

I'm still not sure what to do, whether to get a cat or not, but I would like to seriously consider getting some more rats when the time is more right for me. Either a pair, or if I can afford a larger cage, I might get 4 or 6, and have them all live together :)
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

I'm in two minds about getting a cat or two again, or some rats. But I don't know if it's wise to have both, as a cat's instinct is to kill rodents :(

Does anyone here have both a cat and a rodent/bird, and if so, how do you manage them so that the caged pet doesn't get attacked, or worse, by the cat? :confused:

Our two cats would sit and stare at the rats, buit never mess with them. Even when we let the rats out to play they just watched. We were lucky as one was a kitten that loved to play. He would always attack our feet! Lol
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

My two cats are fine with my guinea pigs, they sniff at them, and were introduced slowly, but they don't take a large interest if they are well fed. My sisters friend owns a rat shelter, and they are a pleasure to own.

Cats are an even larger pleasure. I beg to disagree with precious, cat litter is much much easier to handle than pooper scooping after dogs. If you buy certain crystals to put in it it hardly smells at all. They-re affectionate, they are calm, and smart, and learn tricks easily. My cats will sit lay down or beg for treats. they are content to be on their own, and not constantly demand your attention or time.
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

My cat is almost 9 years old - I'm only 21 so she's been my baby for almost half my life! I love her SO much.

We are inseparable, wherever I go she comes with me... I'm not kidding when I say I would die for her! She's HONESTLY like a daughter to me.

I feed her a strict raw meat diet - no kibble or canned stuff - she eats organic like mommy (I'm a vegan - opposite of her). She also gets an hour a day of exercise when we play with her toy mouse and other toys. She's so healthy though! Slender cat, with soft fur and clean teeth (from gnawing on those quail and cornish hen bones!)

She follows me around like a puppy, crawls into my lap and starts purring (especially when I cry, aww) and is generally just my best friend in the world.

I'm growing paranoid cause she's getting older and as she's the most precious thing in my life... well... She'll always be the best cat in the world to me, lol. I don't want human kids so I will be more than content adopting a few kitties after she's gone (give me at least another 10 years with her please, god!).

Thank god I found a man that is a complete sucker for cats! We're going to foster when my little girl is gone (can't yet because she hates other cats around, as she's extremely possessive of me).
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

We bought a cat from a shelter a week ago. Named her Lexi (came from our daughters middle name) She is about 6-8 months old. Very calm and cuddly. She was given to the shelter by a couple who had another cat that would fight with her. That couple had two toddlers as well. We brought our daughter in and the cat was fine with her. That was our first priority in a cat.

We get her home and she doesn't move. She just lays anywhere we put her. She wouldn't eat the food we bought her or drink anything the first day and a half. She was very underweight. The shelter didn't realize she wasn't eating. Turns out she just didn't like the hard cat food. What a spoiled brat! lol We fed her some tuna to see if that was it and she started to lick it, but not eat any chunks. That's better than she did before so we didn't stop her. We bought canned cat food and slowly got her off the tuna. It was giving her diarrhea.

Now that she is eating and drinking she moves around often and comes up to us wanting pet. Yay! We saved this cat from starving! :D

She loves our daughter too! We lay the baby on the floor to play and Lexi moves next to her and lays a foot away and watches. Probably thinking "grow up and play with me already!" Lol So far she is the perfect cat for us.

She also looks almost exactly like our last cat we rescued. Only differnce between Lexi and the last cat is that Lexi has 4 legs. Our last cat was hit by a car before we got her. Owners didn't want to save her life :( amputated rear right leg, tail, had a C section done and got spayed all in one surgery. Actually I think the tail was later cuz she kept chewing on it. All the kittens were lost too :( Faith was an awesome cat though! She played more than most kittens I've had. She never bothered our pet rats either. We had to give her away when we moved a few states over :( I miss her.
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