
MIRROR: Download from MEGA

Good, glad to hear it :)

I always dread the healing/aftercare part more than plucking up the courage to go in for the piercing, then the procedure itself. You just have to be so careful, because so many things can go wrong...I am always relieved when any piercing I get has healed completely and no longer needs constant attention :)
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

that sucks about your piercings, babe. Early last year I tried to get an industrial and a conch on my left ear as my first piercings, thought that if I liked it i may go for my nipples. But my ear swelled up so fuckin huge that I had to take them out less than three days after they were put in. They hurt like a bitch coming out too. Consensus from friends and the internet is that I had an allergic reaction to something. I'm considering getting it done again.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to avoid such an allergic reaction should I try again?
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

Maybe what you were allergic to was the alcohol in whatever you used to clean the piercings?

I had a problem like this when I had my lip pierced. While it was healing, I used Savlon antiseptic liquid diluted in boiled water to clean it, because I had done that with my nose piercing and it healed up fine. But with my lip, the original redness and swelling went down, but then the redness began to return, along with a ring of nasty yellow pus around the metal, and a fair bit of pain.

I went back to the guy who did the piercing, and he told me that the alcohol in the Savlon was the cause of the problem. I was really surprised, because I used it on my nose with no problems, and he said that different body parts react to different things in different ways, and so one area taking it well, and another reacting badly, both to the same thing, is not that uncommon.

Anyway, he told me to try some sea salt diluted in boiled water instead of the Savlon. It looked and felt a hell of a lot better after the first application, and within 5 days had healed completely.

Of course, that is only one possible problem. I'd recommend going in to speak to a qualified body piercer; tell them about what happened with your previous piercings, and ask what their advice would be.
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

Well, after a few days on the antibiotics, my breasts are no longer hard rocks sitting on my chest. They actually feel like boobs again, thank god!

Good to hear it.

Melanion - What were the peircings made of? Anything other than surgical steel or gold can cause a reaction like that...

Honestly, i'm not sure. they looked like steel, but I can't be sure.

I think next time i'll just have a talk with the person doing the piercing before hand, see what they have to say about it.
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