What pisses you off?


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RS1981 reading your posting on gay marriage has just made me remove hating my home country from my list. I'm from the UK and I was going to moan about how rubbish our politicians, economy etc are. However at least we have a form of gay marriage and are even working at letting the services be held in churches.

Yeah some states made it legal, and the list is growing, but we still have some equality issues which is really stupid. It's only a matter of time though before every state recognizes it.
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My father's mouthbreathing and general demeanor, although that's a much less annoying thing than dumb politicians.

Also, the teachers at the university have decided to strike. I understand that some demands are sensible, but they're not easy to make happen and you're fucking over all the students trying to get through the term, especially if that includes university transfer for next year.
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Chavs just generally piss me off...

That and Homophobia, Christians/Muslims that think their faith is the only one in the world (I'm not being religionist? there, I'm just saying I've not known Jews, Hindus, etc to do it so much), just generally a lot of small things I couldn't list here by name, but I know when I see/hear/smell it that it pisses me off...
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My cat waking me up 3 in the morning when I got to work the next day by jumping on my face.. eating a sandwich thinking it has mayo when it turns out to be miracle whip >.<

...and most of all... poodles..thinking about them sickens me...

But to truly piss me off in rage, men punching women and children.. and people that gets too uptight about their religion and try to tell me my beliefs are wrong and cram theirs down my throat. I respect people for what they believe in, go with what you are comfortable with, but don't disrespect me
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What really pisses me off is everything in life. It doesn't matter what it is. Nearly everything is set to make you fail so that someone else can make money or have a gain In some way. The way people are, the way companies are... The way the whole world is. I was reading an article on the internet the other day about how millions were donated to car museums so they could restore some old cars. Why isn't that money being donated to someone who really needs it? It sickens me to watch MTV cribs and see someone in a 3million dollar mansion only to have a commercial come on where a starving kid is playing in the dirt. The whole world sickens me.

Sorry if this sounds bad or doesn't make sense. I'm not exactly in a great mood right now, but I look at the whole world like that. Nothing works to further us as a decent human race. Everything is done for money, greedy and selfishness.
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