What turned you onto BDSM?



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I had sex with my friend when I was ten and he wanted to tie me up, but couldn't find a rope. Later that summer (or the next summer) I had sex with my cousins (3 brothers) and I remember having fantasies of girls being tied up. Later spanking got in to my fantasy scenarios. Later I found fetish porn. At the age 13 when my friends we're making jokes about boots and leather clothes I was giving myself golden showers.

I only wonder why I consider myself a virgin after taking part in gay-incest-foursome, maybe I shouldn't. I wonder if my cousins had threesomes and was I the one who introduced them into sex.

I guess because of my homosexual experiences I "felt" free to explore ideas without interference from norms of society. Step by step I turned into a complete pervert, for me kinky is the norm and vanilla is just boring.

kinkypink, i am with you there. the "normal" norm is sooooo booooring to me too.
kinky rulez for me as well bcs i cannot feel much otherwise.
and i refuse to brand any of this as pervert.
we're just trying to feel something, dammit...
in my opinion pervert is who extracts pleasure at the total expense of others.
that is when you give pain to someone who doesn't want it or fails to derive any pleasure from it.
when mutual consent enters the equation, i don't believe it can be called perversion any longer.

and i remember trying a few things with my boy and girl cousins, too.
we used to grope and do things to each other and booyyy was that sweet... :)

by the way... forgive my ignorance guys, but what is golden showers?
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I've always enjoyed hurting people. I suppose this comes from the shit I took from my so called father. I was the child of a previous relationship, and therefore not worth much to him. I was treated like shit, and later abused until I was about 8.

During my time in school, I was always getting into fights just to see the other children hurt. Animals were harmed also. Nothing too psychotic, I never killed furry things, just dissected lower forms of life for amusement.

I can't really pin point what made me like this type of style, but I want to explore it more. "Vanilla" is too simple and uninteresting. No pain, no pleasure, is how I see it.
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As ridiculous as it sounds, even to me, I can remember being young (8-ish, maybe slightly older) and reading the utterly bdsm-tinged romance novels that my mother had. Started there. In high school, I somehow related D/s to vampires (I dunno, superdork?). Only in college did I find Anne Rice's Beauty series, which now reads (to me) as quite campy. Just evolved, I supposed. And found my first Dom online, met in real life and realized that nope, it wasn't just fantasy for me. Yayaya.
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I have always enjoyed the feeling of being a petite person, easily overpowered by the strength or skill of another and subject to their whims. It is not a feeling a weakness, but pride in endurance.

Yes it is true that one who is raped/abused will turn to BDSM to produce some kind of catharsis to counter the horrific act and give a sense of empowerment. People who are naturally submissive like myself must have very high standards, lest they get sucked into a relationship in which the Dominant person truely cares about themselves and could give less of a fuck about the submissive.

Every night before I go to bed the thoughts that calm me down and put me to sleep are the ones where I have my arms bound behind my back... or I am locked in a cage. Ever since I was thirteen or fourteen.

After my last relationship with my Mistress (my first) it took me several months to fall asleep without my collar on. I would like to believe it is wired in from birth, but...

Believe what you Will.

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I guess I should post here since I have been around for a few months now.
As long as I can remember (2nd grade?) I fantasized about being raped. It took me a long time to get a hold on why these particular fantasies turned me on so much. I finally was able to understand that ‘rape fantasies’ allowed me to give up power and control to someone else and would make sex ‘ok’ because I could say it wasn't my fault. Unfortunately it took me a very long time to figure that puzzle out and I put myself in dangerous situations too many times before I realized that I didn’t want to get raped I just wanted to be submissive and for it to be okay to want to have sex.

I do remember that when playing with dolls I would always punish them severely and cage them in weird contraptions as ‘time out’. But it seems that I have defiantly fallen to the sub side rather than that controlling side of my personality.
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