Highly contagious, AIDS-like disease spreading in China



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... the disease seems to be highly contagious and can spread by contact via any bodily fluid—through kissing, shared utensils, sweat, and even protected sex. Once infected, the immune system appears to be attacked, which results in a decrease of white blood cells and the body’s ability to defend against infectious disease and foreign materials.


So... a new, AIDS-like disease that spreads like the common cold...? Great... :/
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With the original HIV/AIDS, African governments were very slow to react to the threat. Considering China's repeated urge to keep up their image to the world, by toning down many things that are happening in the country, and completely censoring other matters that may seem in their interest to resolve, in the view of many people in more democratic countries (like with the still ongoing milk scandal that now is just being silenced, there), it would seem to me that China may not be willing to let this information out, too easily. What would happen in such an event? People, including business people, would get nervous about going to China, and that'd affect the Chinese economy. Yes, greed has led to the craziest decisions, in the past... some even in obvious direct conflict with the interests of the person under the spell of it.
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With the original HIV/AIDS, African governments were very slow to react to the threat. Considering China's repeated urge to keep up their image to the world, by toning down many things that are happening in the country, and completely censoring other matters that may seem in their interest to resolve, in the view of many people in more democratic countries (like with the still ongoing milk scandal that now is just being silenced, there), it would seem to me that China may not be willing to let this information out, too easily. What would happen in such an event? People, including business people, would get nervous about going to China, and that'd affect the Chinese economy. Yes, greed has led to the craziest decisions, in the past... some even in obvious direct conflict with the interests of the person under the spell of it.

True but that wouldn't stop reporters from releasing the information, especially not the high profile companies. Even if the information did get out to CNN their government wouldn't be able to stop it. I mean what's the worst they could do? I seriously doubt China would try to go to war over something like that, especially if it could possibly affect the U.S.. And don't forget, China may have the biggest economy, but they still rely on us for alot.
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A panel of "experts" would calm the populace by carefully explaining how only Chinese and a few other Asians could get the disease, and as long as you weren't one of them you had nothing to worry about.

Back in the early '80s there was a big flap over herpes simplex, which briefly replaced syphilis as the horror STD, then was quickly replaced itself by AIDS. I remember a program on television with a bunch of people from the Center For Disease Control, explaining how you could only get AIDS through homosexual contact. That remained the official line for quite some time, before it was quietly dropped.

Most of the people I talked to who had seen the program or read any of the "official" reports of the time believed it without reservation, then got defensive when I challenged it. And years later, claimed never have to believed such a stupid thing then when I reminded them of their stance at the time. It must be interesting, living in such a flexible reality...
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